If you conduct business in the international market, communication with your foreign clients in their…

The Importance of Accurate Translation Services in Your Company
Many translation services in the Internet era once devolved to a point where some companies relied strictly on free, online tools to attempt to translate documents, software, or even websites. While you still see translators on the web for free, they’re almost always far from accurate. You probably remember the days when BabelFish was the supreme free source for every translation. However, it was also the source of unintentional laughs when many of the translations turned into hilarious, incomprehensible sentences.
Even now, you still have translation services online, including a free translator on Twitter. While things have improved since the days of BabelFish, they still don’t give you completely accurate translations of complex languages.
The above is a risky undertaking if you’re just now starting to create business connections internationally. It can end up being a major embarrassment if you’re translating phone calls or emails from an international client and you end up translating incorrectly what they say to you.
This works vice versa when you attempt to communicate with them without a proper translator nearby to get the nuances of languages right.
Hiring a translation service that provides comprehensive translation services is an investment paying back in the long run. While you may think it’s funny if an important business statement gets lost in translation, you wouldn’t be laughing if you lost a huge business deal as a result.
Here at Teck Language Solutions, Inc., we have a complete package of translation services for your company so you’re completely covered with every common language.
What kind of quality can you expect, and where can you use translations to help your company grow at a faster level?
Translating Business Documents
As you grow your international markets, you’re possibly dealing with some complex languages in documents that you’ve never had experience with before. While you’ve probably had experience with many of the typical languages like Spanish, French, or German, how much experience do you have with difficult languages such as Greek, or ones from the former Yugoslavian Republics?
When you receive essential documents in your email in these languages, getting an accurate translation with automated services only brings further mistakes. Through our translation services, you’re given true quality translations because our translators are from the region to capture the stylistic idioms.
This works on a human or software basis so you’re assured accuracy at all times. With each translation based on experience in all industries, terms in legalese or complicated medical terminology have complete guarantee of being correct.
Accurately Translating Information on Websites or Software
If you’re selling services internationally on your website or providing software overseas, you want your language translations accurate so users understand what you’re saying. Just one nuance missed in a particularly complex language could confuse your target audience in another country to a point where it affects sales.
With software, particularly, it’s the same effect we experience here when manuals aren’t always written in proper English. Imagine what it’s like for your buyers over in Europe or Asia if you don’t write their languages in a comprehensible way.
Hiring Private Translators
We also have a service for hiring private translators to work one-on-one with your employees. Those translators help your employees create documents in any language with use of proper accent markings. This comes in handy when you have someone in your company working directly with an international account.
Private translators are also available for universities when creating documents like diplomas or certificates. With this service, you bring respect in connecting linguistically with those studying in America from abroad.
Contact us here at Teck Language Solutions Inc. to find out more about our translation services and how much you need them today as the world becomes smaller.