There are situations in everyday business life when not everything goes the way it has…

Is your express translation project really an express project?
Do you have translation projects consisting of a few hundred to a few thousand words that need to be translated as soon as possible? Do you have a fixed deadline and are anxious about whether the translations will be ready on time?
Our translation agency regularly receives inquiries for translation projects matching the above parameters that need to be completed within either one or two working days, or within a week.
First of all, let us assure you that a translation project of only a few pages or a few hundred words which is due within two days, for example, is certainly not an express project. For us, an express project is one for which additional organizational measures have to be applied in order to keep to a deadline. This is the case when you need your translation within a matter of hours or overnight.
Organizational steps to ensure the right quality of express translations
In order for your translation project to have the right quality and unique style, it is best when only one professional takes responsibility for completing the job. A single translator is able to translate three to five thousand words a day, depending on the structure and content of the text. In terms of quality management, this size of text needs only a few hours for completion.
Optimized processes are needed as a starting point in order for a translation agency to be able to provide professional, high-quality translations within the shortest possible time frames.
While searching for the right provider, you will encounter freelancers saying that they cannot take on your project because they are “overbooked”. This may be a good sign in terms of the quality they provide, but, of course, it does not help you. There may be agencies stating that good work takes time, which is also true but let us challenge this statement. Is it possible that these very agencies need more time than average because their processes are not optimized?
There are many agencies that have automated project management systems which ensure fast turnarounds, but these systems are often based on a “first come, first served” system for translators, i.e. your texts will be uploaded to an online platform that registered translators can access and the one who sees the new project first gets the job. This, of course, cannot lead to an optimum result as a translator without the right knowledge and experience may end up working on your texts.
How we do it
Our recipe for optimum project turnaround consists of ongoing contact with the translators and hand-picking the right professionals. This system also ensures that your documents and data are safe, as they will not be uploaded to ‘more or less’ secure online platforms, and those people seeing your texts are only those who necessarily need to see them.
If you have a translation project that you believe to be express, then contact us and give us the necessary project parameters, such as the deadline. You will receive an instant quote and our translators can begin the work right away.